Senin, 03 Mei 2010


Star is also called the comet tail.
Comets are celestial bodies that allegedly composition of small dust particles clump together with gas and water ice.
Comets do not have their own light but reflects light from the sun.
Getting closer to the sun, the comet is getting brighter.
At the approach of the sun, the surface will evaporate until the comet-shaped cloud of gas that break towards the back of the comets.
cloud shaped like a tail, so the comet is often called shooting star.
Comet tail was always away from the sun, reaching 161 million kilometers in length.
Comets are often called latitude cubeb, smoky and sirambut long-haired star.

But the variety category, the comet.
The most famous comet is Halley's comet, which was taken from the name of a British astronomer.
Edmund Halley (1656 - 1743) who discovered the comet in the year 1682.
Halley's comet also predicted the emergence of time, ie once every 76 years.
The names of the comet, including:
- Comet Kahoutek, appeared in 1973.
- Comet Ikeya-Seki, was found on september 1965 by two Japanese scientists, namely: Ikeya and T. Seki.
- Comet Hyakutake, appeared in 1996.
- Hale-Bopp comet, appeared in 1997
- Etc.

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