Senin, 03 Mei 2010


Desert to keep the earth in the form of two belts, one north of equator and another one on the south side of the equator. In general, the desert region located between the region was humid and mild climate of the equatorial rain zone. The word desert raises a daydream about the vast plains of sand. But actually, the Sahara consists of sand dunes which amount was not until 30% of the area entirely, while the percentage was in the desert north America only 2% only. The rest is rocks, rocks and plants, inhabited part. In fact, inhabited plants reached a fifth part.

Most of the desert to keep the continent on the western region, where the air is hot and dry dispel the cloud, so that more sunlight can reach the earth and memanasinya. Besides, the desert occupies what is called the sierra region located in a rain shadow. Air space to the side edge of the ocean gives kelembab-pan in the form of rain on the mountain circuit, so no side to the rain shadow region.

Desert in Chile and Peru is very dry, had connections with the ocean currents. Flows from Peru which flows from south to north pole, cool air cools the ocean so that raises a lot of fog. When this moist air reaches land, he gets hot, so more heat is absorbed. Kedarat Although this air flow, but rarely bestow rain. Atacama Desert in Peru has an average rainfall of less than 100 mm a year and recorded as the driest in the world. Though the distance to the sea just a few kilometers.
Asian deserts has links with a far distance to the ocean and surrounding mountains.

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